What can I expect to win?

We know that scholarships are a part of your financial plan to fund your education, so we want to help you estimate your potential and built you a Scholarship Success Matrix for your reference based on all of the data from our previous students!

The Student Success Matrix

The matrix compares the level of the student vs. the number of completed applications to determine the average expected winnings of our students:


Understanding the Types of Volunteer Roles

Volunteer work is the reason why our students are so successful. Volunteerism provides meaningful proof that you are a leader and that you care about your community. Both of these traits are highly considered throughout a scholarship committee’s decision-making process.

That said, it's not about the length of time that you have been volunteering for. It’s about the impact that you create. It's not enough to say you sent your well wishes to X Organization and called it a day! Scholarship committees want to see how you were involved in the betterment and improvement of your community, a cause, or an organization! They want to learn the concrete ways you did to positively impact others' lives!

One way to start is to volunteer and engage in activities that interest you! It is obvious when a student simply volunteers for the sake of volunteering. It can come across as inauthentic. So take some time to reflect on what you are passionate about and get involved! You can also find many volunteer opportunities that relate to your future field of study, which will make your application and resume more impressive to the committee!

Diversify your involvement! Volunteer for a variety of causes! Community involvement can also be sports, entrepreneurship, fine arts, and more, so there is sure to be an event for a passion or cause dear to you!

Aim to have a good mix of Initiator, Leader, and Member roles:

Initiator Roles— roles that a student starts themselves. These initiatives generate a big impact on the community, making initiator roles the highest form of leadership.

Examples: starting a club, fundraiser, or project

Leadership Roles— roles in which a student volunteers within an organization and holds a leadership title, like coach, counsellor, executive member, or president.

Examples: leading a club, making decisions, providing constructive feedback, spearheading events

Member Roles— roles in which a student is part of an organization as a team member.

Examples: volunteering at a soup kitchen, hospital info desk, or animal shelter

Other funding opportunities

Scholarships are not the only way you can pay for school! There are loans, grants, AND scholarships. There are many ways to fund your education. Do not pigeonhole yourself! Ask us about other opportunities that you can take advantage of!