How do I get help if I'm feeling overwhelmed?

"Asking for help is a sign of strength"

I remember my hustle back in university—studying to make sure I maintain good grades, working part-time, and participating in every extracurricular activity imaginable while trying to apply for funding for my education. 

Juggling all these things can look like it's a talent. However, what most people don't realize is that having a plan and keeping organized is a practiced skill! You start off really bad at it, but the more and the sooner you practice, the easier it is!

While writing about what you're feeling and planning may feel therapeutic, this may delay taking action, and the longer you procrastinate, the more overwhelming these will be! What you need is a calendar where you can plan your work! With this, you have a dramatically higher chance of actually getting your work done.

Here's why!

  • You start to think ahead and plan your work
  • You get clear on what work needs to be done and by when
  • You visually see your work in space and in time—instead of it being jumbled in your head!
  • You end up seeing where you actually have spare time for yourself and your friends & family

Here's how you can plan your schedule and set yourself up for success:

  • Put all your commitments into your calendar! Live by the rule “If it’s not in your calendar, it doesn’t exist.” This includes academic activities like studying and participating in events; relationships with people, like going to a family event; and even basic activities like waking up and brushing your teeth! Seems a bit too much, but it will help you build great habits!
  • Be aware of upcoming deadlines. Look up the next scholarship that is due for you in the GrantMe Scholarship Matching App. This is a part of planning ahead to make sure you are not overwhelmed. (Hint: If you track them on the app, you can see all upcoming deadlines on your tacking sheet!)
  • Think about what your number one focus should be for the week. What major scholarship or school project is coming up for you? When you can focus on one thing at a time, you stay in focus. When you have multiple ideas or things that you need to do in your head, it can be very overwhelming. Decide what is most important for the week and schedule your time accordingly.
  • Schedule Scholarship Writing Time! During this time, write the next scholarship or university application essay that is due. At the end of the time you scheduled, submit your essay to GrantMe for editing—even if isn't perfect!

Here is what a well-planned student calendar looks like:

Reach Out!

As with any new habit you start, you may struggle in the beginning. Always know that you can reach out to us for the support!

Join our mentorship webinars, curriculum workshops, or talk to us one on one!

P.S. Student Success Notes

Just like a carpenter learns to use their tools to create better and better houses, a student learns to use their tools to create a better and better life.

Your main tools as a student are your  calendar and your journal or notepad.

We recommend using a virtual calendar like  Google Calendar!

  • You can easily write notes in each calendar event
  • You can invite people to events to keep them accountable too
  • You can integrate with event websites and scheduling software. This allows you to book in GrantMe mentorship calls and integrate any other event you've been invited to right into your email!
  • You can set reminders so that you never miss anything
  • You can set locations for your events and create notifications for when you need to leave
  • You can integrate the event location into your route planning for the day

When you enter the workplace, you'll eventually need to learn these skills. (Trust us on this!) You can either learn it in the thick of things, or you can begin learning it now. You don't have to be perfect to begin. Imagine that you're an apprentice carpenter learning to use the tools! With more effort and repetition, your time management will improve and so will your stress and anxiety about what needs to be done and by when!