Common questions about Payments

Help! My account was blocked due to "payment issues"!

A payment issue might occur if you do not pay on time or your payment fails. If a payment issue happens, your access to GrantMe's platform will be automatically blocked. It will work again once the payment has successfully been put through.

If you are having payment issues, please ensure that your payment information has been updated on your account. Please contact so we can work out a plan and keep you logged into the platform.

How do I update my payment information?

You can update your payment information on your profile! Here is a video showing you how:

If you are having issues updating your payment method, please send us an email at, and we will be happy to assist you!

Can I claim tax deductions on my tuition?

Our students typically can't claim tax deductions on the tuition paid to GrantMe. If you are interested in claiming deductions, we recommend consulting a tax professional!